You know you’re stressed. You’re becoming more forgetful. You are starting to find it harder and harder to concentrate on any given task. Your wells of patience are running dry and if one more person suggests you should take up yoga or take some time out for meditation you are just going to scream!

“Don’t they understand how busy I am?” you mumble to yourself as your trembling hand reaches for that lukewarm cup of coffee.

Yeah, I understand. So what if I gave you three stress management methods that you could take with you anywhere. To school, in the car, in the office. What’s more, what if I could show you how to quickly regain control without the use of pharmaceutical drugs and the brain fog that often follows. Would that interest you?

Method 1 – Breathe

Focused, controlled breathing can be performed anywhere, anytime those feelings of overwhelm, panic and anxiety raise their ugly heads.

For those just starting out the easiest method is to inhale through the nose for a slow count of four and then exhale through the nose for the count of four. Just repeat the rhythm until you feel relaxed. You’ll be surprised at the effectiveness of this technique.

Another effective way to get you settled and focused for an important event is belly breathing.

A lot of us breathe very shallowly, barely filling our lungs. To ensure we are breathing to full capacity and providing our brain (and every cell in our body) with vitalising oxygen we should practice belly breathing for at least ten minutes a day. Here’s how –

Place one hand on the upper part of your belly. Now take a big deep breath in through your nose, ensuring that your belly rises under your hand and then slowly exhale. The slower and deeper you can breathe the better. Initially aim for eight to ten deep breathes per minute for ten minutes.

Do this every day. You’ll be pleased you made the effort.

Method 2 – Drink More Water

We can’t function properly if we’re dehydrated. The thing is, under times of stress we are more likely to become dehydrated as our heart and respiration rates rise and we forget to eat and drink. It can be a viscous cycle, stress can cause dehydration, and as our body and importantly our brain needs water to perform at peak level, dehydration can cause stress.

Drinking enough water during the day also flushes toxins from the body and can make you feel more refreshed.

So how are you going to remember to drink enough water? Carry a stainless steel or glass container of water with you in the car and at work. Make a conscious effort to drink small amounts throughout the day. Adding a drop or two of a high quality, pure lemon essential oil to your water has a number of benefits including –

  • Purifies the water
  • Cleanses the body
  • Breaks down petrochemicals (assists weight loss)
  • Helps protect against a number of diseases, and
  • Elevates the mood!

I use and recommend doTERRA essential oils as I am guaranteed of their purity and safety.

Lemon essential oil offers numerous health benefits and can easily be carried in the purse, pocket or bag making it readily accessible in most situations. Which leads me into method 3.

Method 3 – Choose a Relaxing Essential Oil

Essential oils are extremely effective in the management of stress, mood and sleep. Experience has shown that inhalation and topical application are the two most effective methods when addressing stress with essential oils.

There are number of essential oils that lend themselves to managing stress and anxiety. The selection of the most effective oil or blend of oils depends primarily on the individual and the cause of the stress.

Once the correct oil or blend has been identified and applied it goes to work very quickly and stress relief can be felt within moments.

So how do you use essential oils? There are number of quick and easy methods. Let’s talk about inhalation first.

You can place a drop or two of essential oil in the corner of a handkerchief or tissue, then simply hold the material to your nose and inhale deeply as needed. This is the best method for when you’re on the go. You can also simply inhale the oil directly from the bottle or place a few drops in an Aromatherapy diffuser and fill the room with wonderful aromas.

Topically, you can apply a drop of oil over your heart, on your temples, across your forehead, along the back of your neck, on your wrists and even on the soles of your feet.

There are many essential oils that are highly effective in managing stress. The most common are lavender, bergamot, lime, orange, lemon, chamomile, frankincense and melissa. I would highly encourage you to experiment with these powerful, natural gifts.


I have presented you with three quick, natural, affordable and transportable stress management methods. You can focus on your breathing, take a drink of water and inhale or apply an essential oil almost anywhere, without interfering with your busy schedule. Yes, effective stress management is possible even when you’re on the go!

If you would like more information on the powerful benefits of doTERRA essential oils please visit my online shop or view the videos on my YouTube channel.

I can be contacted on 0405 087 772 or I look forward to hearing from you.

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