The Debate Rages On. Some Say Yes, Some Say No, So What’s The Story?

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Not all essential oils are safe to throw down the gullet, care must be taken to ensure the essential oil is of the highest quality and is actually safe to ingest.

Do not ingest an essential oil unless the label clearly states it is safe to do so. Look for ‘For Dietary Use Only’ or a supplement panel on the bottle.

I personally use and recommend doTERRA CPTG (certified pure therapeutic grade) essential oils. Quality is guaranteed. Please download the CPTG Information Brochure for details on doTERRA’s stringent quality control standards.

[file_download style=”1″][download title=”doTERRA CPTG Information” icon=”style1-Pdf-64×64.png” file=”” package=”” level=”” new_window=”Y”][/download][/file_download]

And of course, please feel free to contact me at any time at

Do you have a question you’d like answered. Ask me a question via Twitter on @TimCooperHealth with the hash tag #asktim

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