The two words that threw our world into a spin, “it’s back.”

I still remember the day. To be honest it was quite surreal. I was at work and had to go outside to collect some equipment. No sooner was I out the door I came across a dead crow.

Now normally coming across a dead bird would have no effect on me. However, the site of the crow really shook me. I felt sick to my core and I couldn’t place why. I was shaken and very stirred.

On return to the player treatment room I mentioned the dead crow to the physiotherapist. His response? “Hmmm, that’s not a good sign”.

Crows are very smart birds so apparently seeing a dead one is a bad omen.

Not being overly superstitious I put the encounter behind me and got back to work.

Then it happened.

The phone call…

Dad, it’s back…”

So many emotions flooded my entire being. The situation called for strength and clarity so I asked my son Jesse why he believed it to be so.

Since his first battle with cancer, Jesse checked himself for lumps every day.

Imagine that!

I wasn’t even aware he had been instructed to do that. The weight of a possible return was continually on his shoulders.

This day he had discovered two small lumps just above his right collar bone.

Well you know, lymph nodes enlarge for many reasons. Most commonly when there is an infection present.

Refusing to believe the cancer had returned I informed my son that it was more than likely an infection and not to get overly worried about it.

Now this kid was fit. He was on a clean diet. Regular exercise. The best supplements I could find at the time… How could this happen?… Again…

So, it was back to the oncologist. He too ventured down the infection path… initially.

Sadly, after two weeks on antibiotics there was no change in the lumps… further testing was performed…

A few days later I was sitting in the waiting room with Jesse. It was D-day. What were the results going to reveal?

“Dad,” Jess asked, “what do you think, honestly?”

I was engulfed with sadness

“To be honest”, I said, “I think it’s back. But I also know you. You beat it once and you’ll beat it again.”

And so it started. Round two. Jesse’s second battle with cancer. Just days before his sixteenth birthday. Just short of seven years in remission… the nightmare had returned.

Initially they planned to perform a bone marrow transplant. Both Jesse’s mother and I were tested and the international database was searched for a suitable donor.

If I thought the chemotherapy protocol was aggressive the first-time round (and it was), it was nothing in comparison to what they made our young son endure as they pumped him full of toxic chemicals.

I remember how the medical staff bent over backwards to get Jesse home for his sixteenth birthday. Unfortunately, he was so full of pain killers and mind-numbing drugs he didn’t even remember it.

It truly was a horrible time, but Jesse had a lot of support. Not only from family, but also from sporting icons including Gary Ablett Jnr.

During the initial stages of the chemotherapy protocol Jesse’s oncologist had to travel to Europe for a conference. In his absence, Jesse’s mother scoured Google for an alternative to the bone marrow transplant. The cons greatly outweighed the pros and we weren’t ready to lose our son.

Jesse’s mum, Amanda, found a single agent chemo drug that reportedly had good results. Our only concern was whether Jesse’s oncologist would go for it.

The great news is that the oncologist had also come across this drug and its creators at the European convention.

We were all on the same page. The bone marrow transplant was off the table and Jesse was about to embark on a two-year protocol of weekly chemotherapy infusions.

His central line was replaced with a portacath and home we went.

When Jesse was going through is first battle with cancer I really didn’t have a lot of natural supplementation at my disposal. To be clear, I wasn’t looking at fighting the cancer with natural medicine… I just wanted to way to support his immune system and reduce the ravages of his treatment.

There weren’t a lot of options and referring back to my herbalist training, all I could offer was garlic extract.

This time around I was prepared. I had sourced a company that provided 100% pure essential oils.

Using proprietary blends and single oils we kept Jesse’s immune system in top shape.

I recall a time when shortly after a round of intense chemo Jesse wanted to go to a concert with forty thousand other raving fans. The problem was he had no neutrophils and therefore no immune system.

This meant that if anyone as much as sneezed within fifty feet of him there was a good chance he’d get infected. And when chemo patients get an infection it can turn life threatening very quickly.

I was so stressed. I couldn’t stop him from going. He had come of age and considered responsible enough to make his own decisions. And he had decided nothing was going to stop him from attending that concert.

What was I to do?

Well, I literally covered him in a proprietary essential oil blend – clove, cinnamon, eucalyptus, wild orange and other oils known to stop bugs and nasties in their tracks.

As a father, of course I was worried for his well-being. The great news is that he didn’t even develop a sniffle.

Over the next two


years we used essential oils and essential oil enhanced supplements to keep Jesse as well as possible.

Once again, it must be noted that my intention wasn’t to treat Jesse’s cancer with natural remedies. The sole purpose was to give his body the nutrients required to maintain the best possible immune system he could considering the circumstances.

We used oils such as oregano, cinnamon and citrus to fight off viral infections, peppermint to help with chemotherapy induced nausea and various blends to increase energy and enhance his mood.

Jesse had a portacath inserted under the skin for two years and never once got an infection. This in itself was a mystery to the medical staff.

If you would like to know the actual blends and supplements we used please take the time to Join the Journey by clicking the link below and filling out the form.

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Missed The First Part of Jesse’s Battle With Cancer?

Jesse first got cancer when he was nine years old. Read Part 1 of his journey here.


Please understand that I’m not promising anything, nor am I making any claims. Some things can’t be changed regardless of what you do. That’s a fact and I’m not here to pump you full of false hope.

But… there is also plenty of scientific evidence supporting that a change in lifestyle, mindset and diet with the correct supplementation can often turn things around… even diseases in advanced stages.

So, if you or a loved one is suffering from a serious medical condition you owe it to yourself to learn about all the options. Remove yourself from biased opinions and scare tactics and view each option on its merits.

Your choice is your choice. Nobody has the right to judge, manipulate or bully you into one option or another.

If you’re open to natural therapies and looking for a no fluff, no B.S., evidence based, straight shooting approach then join us today.

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