As parents we are constantly on the look out for natural alternatives when it comes to treating the health issues our children suffer with from time to time.

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Obviously, when it comes to infants and young children with their sensitive skin and smaller bodies we’ve got take a few precautions.

Now when it comes to soothing rashes, two  of the best essential oils that I really like for infants and
young children are Lavender and Roman Chamomile. All you need to do is to get a couple of drops of either Lavender or Roman Chamomile in 2 tablespoons of a carrier oil like coconut oil or olive oil and apply a small amount to the area where the rash is.

I love both of these oils but in particular when it comes to young children I tend to sway more towards Roman Chamomile because it is just so soothing, gentle and calming and just has many many uses for the problems that infants and young children
get from time to time.

If you would like to get my quick reference guide on the five top oils to have on hand when you are dealing with young children
please go to

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