When it comes to weight loss lemon essential oil is one of the first oils I reach for. This is an extremely versatile essential oil. Adding 4 or 5 drops to your drinking water 3 times a day will help purify and alkalize the water while going to work clearing toxins from your body.

The is something somewhat joyful about the citrus oils and lemon assists in lifting the mood.

[images style=”0″ image=”http%3A%2F%2Ftimcooperwellness.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2014%2F08%2Fcta.jpg” width=”640″ align=”center” top_margin=”0″ full_width=”Y”]
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With it’s ability to digest petrochemicals, lemon helps in removing that last stubborn bit of tummy fat that seems otherwise impossible to shift.

Please feel free to grab your copy of my Essential Oils For Weight Loss Quick Reference Guide from the link below http://timcooperwellness.com/essential-oils-for-weight-loss

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