If you’re looking for the causes of various type of headaches I’m sure this video will be of great help to you.

The point is there are many causes of headaches. Far too many to explain in detail in this short video.

For example, your headache could be caused by –

* side effects of pharmaceutical drags
* hormonal imbalances
* symptoms of illness
* allergies
* structural issues with the bones and discs of the neck
* bad posture…

… as you can see, the list goes on and on…

In this video I’d like to talk about what is possibly the most common cause of headaches in this day and age.

Dehydration is a major cause of that foggy, disorientated feeling that often results in a headache. When you get a headache look at how much fluid you’re taking on during the day.

For example, a hangover is a classic case of a dehydration headache.

If you drink a lot of coffee, tea, or other drinks that work as a diuretic, you are actually shedding fluid even though you may think that the drink is hydrating you. You must make a conscious effort to drink plain water throughout the day.

Dehydration and stress are closely related, you see there is this viscous circle, stress causes dehydration and dehydration causes stress.

Just remember that it’s important to keep your hydration levels up at all times for your general health and well being.

Now that you’re taking care of your hydration let’s look at another common cause for headaches. Tension and/or active trigger points in your trapezius muscle. If the headache is actually at the side of your head, focusing mainly around your temple but it can sometimes even radiate into your jaw, it could be classified as a tension headache.

The good new is there are things you can do at home to assist this. There are some stretches you can do, you can access a free video by going to –

This video shows you three simple stretches you can do to loosen off the tension in the upper back, neck and shoulders and that will also help with relieving a tension headache.

So there are just some of the main reasons, some of the causes for headaches.

In future videos I’ll show you how to address each of these areas, and the different types of headaches and what you can do at home.

In the event the cause of your headaches has gone beyond what you can do to treat yourself I’ll also be talking about natural and alternative health practitioners that you can go for help. I’ll explain which type of natural practitioner you should see depending on the type of headache.

That’s coming up in a future video. So for now, just click the link and go check out those stretches that will help you with tension in the upper back, neck and shoulders and relieve that tension headache.

Once again, CLICK HERE for the video that demonstrates some simple stretches you can to do help get some relief from tension headaches.

If you found this information useful please share it with those you love and leave any questions or feedback in the comments section below.

I’m also happy to answer any questions you may have, you can contact me at info@TimCooperWellness.com

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