This is a replay of a free Webinar I presented on Wednesday 14 May 2014

I’m not into hype or B.S.

In fact when it comes to serious, life threatening illnesses, overenthusiastic claims based on little more than blind faith really concern me and you’ll find none of that here. You’ll find no claims of a miracle cure here.  Just a responsible, researched presentation on how essential oils could be incorporated into the care of cancer patients.

I talk from personal experience when it comes to using essential oils to support cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and in this video I outline the protocol I used for my son and also highlight safe usage in regard to interactions and contraindications.

A very short overview on current research on the actions various essential oils have on cancer follows. This is by no means a prescription or recommendation, just illustrating that there are a number of essential oils that display cancer and tumor fighting properties in clinical tests.

I am always happy to answer any questions and can be contacted at

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